World of Darkness Prompts

It's hard to remember all those little things mid-game, so I'm thinking of making a LaTeX footnote for stories, which mentions a random very-normal-thing.

  • Three young students, complaining about the mosquitoes.
  • Retired accountant, walking his dog at 5am because he cannot sleep.
  • Traffic jam made by two German tourists - the light is stuck on red.
  • A trucker carrying toilet paper struggles to stay awake.
  • Polish hotel worker, just off the late shift, reading Lovecraft by streetlight as they walk.
  • In the basement-level window, a student studies art history while comedy reruns play on the TV behind.
  • Three sober women, back from a club where they deal drugs.

The notes would just lie there, at the bottom of the page, waiting to be used as the tiniest anecdote when narrating a journey from A to B. They exist so the storyteller's eye can sweep them up at a glance, and discard them just as quickly, or let them fester in the subconscious for when they're needed to craft an unexpected scene.

They say preparation is the best way to improvise.

With a little programming, they could be arranged by year, so a modern story would receive a smattering of teenagers making Dark Ages references, while a Victorian story could have incidents involving wigs.