RPG Blog Highlights
I recommend these RPG RSS feeds.
If you don't use RSS, check my setup overview .
- Blue Mountain has a post on saving Ravenloft modules (which is brave, and laudable).
- Cthnonic Studios has a thoughtful section on RPG design theory, and another on reviews .
- DriveThruRPG has a feed so full of new RPGs that nobody can actually read the thing.
- Goblin punch: read about dwarven genders.
- Idiomdrottning coined the term 'blorb'.
- Playful Void: reviews dungeon zines.
- Levi Kornelsen makes RPG theory into an art (specifically, infographics).
- Stuffed Crocodile: an eclectic blog, currently chatting about Glimmermark and Traveller.
- Supergeek Mike 's YouTube channel does breakdowns of D&D things. I don't get any of the references, but he has a nice way of thinking about things.
- Taskerland: Lovecraft, RPGs, and Photography.
- Traverse Fantasy: computer games, trans issues, Maths, and RPG content (sometimes all at once).
- VDonnut Valley: sometimes thoughtful, very random.
- Vortiwife is making Bloodsuckers (like Vampire: The Masquerade, but NSR) but rarely updates, so the itch.io devlog might be better.